Thursday, February 27, 2020

2020-21 State Aid Increases in Dollars Per Student

 Phil Murphy's proposed 2020-21 state aid distribution increases state aid for underaided districts by $491,434,562 and decreases state aid for overaided districts by -$154,827,475 (not including the $50 million in "Stabilization Aid").

The $154.8 million reduction in Adjustment Aid is consistent with S2's call for a 23% reduction in 2020-21's Adjustment Aid.  $55 million of that reduction comes from Jersey City alone and is due to historically-high state aid levels, and lifted by the immense growth (+18% for 2020 alone) of Jersey City's tax base.  

I've compiled the increases and decreases in dollars per student in this 2020-21 Database.

The biggest gainers are: The districts losing the most in dollars per student are:

As a point of reference, the 2019-20 Deficits and Surpluses are available here.

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