Steven Sweeney did an interview with the Asbury Park Press editorial page today.
The APP is sow far only sharing the interview via Twitter (specifically reporter Mike Davis' feed), so I'm only getting tantalizing bits of what Sweeney said, but the Twitter feed does indicate that Sweeney is supporting the redistribution of state aid!!!
Sweeney: We're working on legislation to address overfunding of school districts, working with @jenbecknj
Sweeney talking ins and outs of school funding: "If you take $ from a dist that's over 100% funded, the call is 'You're raising my taxes.'"
"You deal with the supt's, asking 'Why is this district getting more than what's seen as adequate funding while I'm less than half?'"
Sweeney tells APP's edit board issue of equitable school funding will be addressed by Legislature. Says he's working with Sen. Beck on it.
Sweeney: "There's going to be winners & losers. If you're a loser you're not going to be happy. But we have to look at fairness of funding."
I think that compared to Steve Fulop and Phil Murphy, Sweeney is the gubernatorial candidate with political courage. I don't agree with Sweeney's constitutional amendment on pensions nor Pre-K fixation, but I respect Sweeney for having the guts to address New Jersey's toughest issues.
I await more news about the legislation Sweeney is referring to. As of now I've read nothing.
Update: More information is available from the Asbury Park Press!
My blog follow up.
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